Bantock Primary School is commited to being a Rights Respecting School.
We want all pupils to confidently understand what it means to be a Rights Respecting School and to promote children’s rights in the UK and the wider world. We will encourage children to develop their knowledge and understanding using critical thinking and a range of evidence. We intend to evoke a passion for the awareness of injustice in the UK and around the world and how it influences their own lives today.
We will provide a positive learning environment at Bantock to ensure all children’s rights are understood and respected, where individual children are valued and their achievements celebrated. Pupil’s attitudes are acknowledged and praised which encourages and promotes their confidence, wellbeing and self-esteem. We want all pupils to be healthy and happy, to feel safe, to have better relationships and to become active and involved in school life and the wider world.
We inspire all pupils through our inclusive P4C, PDR, RE and History curriculum which encourages participation and positive relationships by all children. Pupils are motivated by having the opportunity to apply their understanding of children’s rights across a range of
subjects. Children are inspired to gain and deploy a greater understanding of how to raise awareness of injustice in the world.
We will develop strong and respectful relationships between pupils and teachers and we highly valued pupil voice, which will support pupils to build their confidence. We will scaffold and provide learning opportunities, whilst celebrating and supporting diversity, adapting a stimulating approach. At Bantock, we will educate children about children’s rights in the UK and in the wider world, which ensures that all pupils are exposed to a range of cultures.
We will treat all pupils as individuals, and we will take a whole school approach to putting children’s rights at the heart of school policy and practice. We will strive towards the best educational outcomes for all pupils and provide a well-rounded curriculum that supports their emerging needs. We will carefully monitor progress from their unique starting points in order to create well-rounded individuals, who will one day contribute to society.
Rights Respecting Award
Bantock has achieved the Silver: Rights Aware award. We teach the children what their rights are through PSHE, diversity days such as Peace One Day, assemblies and P4C and we aim ensure the school is a safe and inspiring place to learn where all learners are respected and are responsible, active citizens, who are aware of their rights. We also link our rights and responsibilities to our approach to managing behaviour. See the Rights Respecting Behaviour Policy for more information.

UNICEF Conventions

ABCDE of Rights

Conventions Definitions