Our School Day
These are our compulsory school times.

The above times for Nursery applied to pupils attending with 15 hours entitlement. Pupils with extended 30 hours entitlement will begin at 8.45am and finish at 2.45pm
Weekly KS1 and KS2 Total School Hours: 32 hours 35 minutes.
Weekly Teaching
English, Maths and Phonics are all taught in the morning in Key Stage 1 and 2.
Foundation Subjects, including Science, Geography, History, Art, Design and Technology, Computing and Personal Development and Relationships are taught during the afternoon.
Foundation Subjects, including Science, Geography, History, Art, Design and Technology, Computing and Personal Development and Relationships are taught during the afternoon.
All pupils have a morning break time session and these times are staggered.

* Should you require it, provision can be made for your child to remain at school until 3.30pm on a Friday. Evidence will need to be provided as to why you are unable to collect your child at 1.30pm