Succeed Happy Inspire Nurture Educate
Bantock completed the School Mental Health Award, and were awarded Silver for our mental health provision by the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health (see School News for more information).
At Bantock, our school ethos means that we are committed to enhancing the health and well-being of the whole school community – pupils, parents and staff – so that everyone can SHINE!
We understand that supporting pupils’ health and well-being results in happy learners and contributes towards positive academic progress. It helps them to manage their lives, including their physical health, handle any mental health problems early and develop high level social and emotional skills, thereby enhancing future life chances.
At Bantock, pupils learn to understand, manage and enhance their health and well-being in 4 key areas.
Healthy Me: Pupils are taught the principles of a healthy diet and encouraged to enjoy a broad and colourful range of foods. They are taught about the characteristics of a poor diet and the risks associated with unhealthy eating. Pupils are also taught about legal and harmful substances and the associated risks.
Thinking Me: Pupils explore the knowledge and attitudes that are needed to understand their mental wellbeing. They are taught how to recognise and talk about their emotions and feelings, and where and how they can seek support. Pupils develop skills such as resilience, initiative and self-esteem and understand how they can have a positive effect on their well-being and learning. They will learn how bullying, loneliness and isolation can affect children and the impact on mental well-being.
Physical Me: Through high-quality PE lessons and a broad range of extra-curricular clubs and competition, pupils are taught about and encouraged to lead healthy, active lifestyles, understanding the benefits of physical activity. They explore the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are needed to understand physical factors in relation to their health and the risks associated with an inactive lifestyle. Pupils are taught how to recognise signs of poor health both physical and mental, and how to prevent illness. They will be educated on simple self-care techniques that support their physical and mental wellbeing. In KS2 pupils are taught about the changing adolescent body, including physical and emotional, as well as menstrual wellbeing. They are taught basic concepts of first-aid.
Social Me: Through the school ethos, pupils are taught mutual respect, empathy and tolerance; they learn the skills for positive interaction with their peers, the wider community and their environment.
Throughout all 4 areas pupils are taught about internet safety and the impact that the online world can have upon their own and others physical and mental wellbeing. Pupils will learn how to recognise and display respectful behaviour online, as well as identifying any particular risks from sites or consumers.
Stirling Wellbeing Survey
The Stirling Well-being Scale is used to enhance the health and well-being of pupils. It was developed as an all-inclusive, positively worded measure of emotional well-being in children. At the beginning of the year, all pupils took part in completing the Stirling Well-being Scale. As you can see from the graphs, the vast majority of pupils have a positive well-being.
Based on the outcomes from the scale, staff have been able to identify pupils for effective interventions and projects which promote children’s well-being and emotional literacy. By utilising the allotment (to develop self-esteem and confidence) and the WELL programme, to develop emotional literacy, Bantock Primary wants to encourage all children to have confidence in their ability to SHINE in all aspects of life!