Promoting British Values and Global Values at Bantock Primary School
In September 2014, The Department for Education introduced a statutory duty for schools to promote and teach British Values more actively in schools.
Bantock Primary School is committed to serving its diverse community. It recognises the multi-cultural, multi-faith and ever-changing nature of the United Kingdom and Bantock Primary. It also understands the vital role it has in ensuring that groups or individuals within the school are not subjected to intimidation or radicalisation by those wishing to unduly, or illegally, influence them.
It follows equal opportunities guidance which guarantees that there will be no discrimination against any individual or group, regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status, or similar. Bantock Primary School is dedicated to preparing students for their adult life beyond the formal, examined curriculum and ensuring that it promotes and reinforces British Values to all its students for the world they live in.

British Values and Global Learning
During EMT (registration on Friday mornings, the class teacher will select a global, topical news item from the past week that links to one or more of these five values and stimulate a discussion centered around the issues raised from the news item. A whole class discussion allows children to exercise their right to opinion, democracy and individual liberty and it encourages them to show mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. The subject of the discussion will also allow children to analyse whether the views and actions of others are in line with British Values and to consider the reasons why.
What are British Values?
The government set out its definition of British Values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy.
The five key British Values are:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect
- Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
What is our approach to promoting British Values?
At Bantock Primary we believe that all children have an equal opportunity to participate in a broad and balanced curriculum according to their needs, abilities and interests. We aim to use strategies within the National Curriculum and beyond to secure such outcomes for pupils to ensure every child can SHINE.
As such our key priorities to educate them as individuals, carefully monitoring their understanding and planning next steps on their learning journey to:
- understand right from wrong
- become articulate, knowledgeable and confident learners
- build trust and respect through strong relationships
How are we promoting British Values?
The following are some examples of the many ways Bantock Primary School seeks to reinforce these values:
Giving pupils responsibilities around school can help them to learn about democracy. For example, we have an elected School Council which meets regularly to discuss and debate issues that affect our school. They work cooperatively, respecting the views of others and are encouraged to have an input into how they can influence the school and wider community.
Pupils are asked their opinions and feedback through daily discussions, school council meetings, pupil surveys, assemblies and as part of the school’s monitoring and evaluation.
Pupils are also invited to share in the democratic process through the curriculum and school events, for example, voting to choose the contestants for a talent show or voting to elect their class members of the School Council.
The importance of laws that govern and protect us all, whether they be those that govern the class, school and society, are reinforced through pupils understanding their responsibilities and the consequences this involves when they are broken. Pupils discuss their responsibilities through assemblies and individually to encourage recognition of the importance of their roles (UNICEF Rights and Responsibilities).
At Bantock Primary School pupils are taught these values and the reasons behind them and that they are essential for their well-being and safety. Pupils can articulate why we need to behave in school and demonstrate they understand and abide by the rules. Digital Ambassadors ensure that children respect each other and learn to make the right choices.
By involving pupils in creating rules for the classroom allows them to relate to the rules of society and inspires them with this understanding. The reality and importance of this understanding is reinforced and supported by organised visits from authorities, such as the Police and Fire Service, throughout the academic year.
At Bantock Primary School we foster a safe and supportive environment where pupils are actively encouraged to make choices. We educate and provide boundaries for pupils to make informed choices, whether it is choosing an assembly they plan and share with the school based on SEALs themes (Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning) or choosing which extra-curricular learning opportunity (Clubs, Sports Ambassadors), pupils have the freedom to base their choices on their interests.
Pupil are taught about their rights (UNICEF Rights and Responsibilities) and personal freedoms and are encouraged and advised on how to exercise these safely, for instance through our teaching on e-safety and PSHE lessons.
Bantock Primary has a zero tolerance to bullying. Incidents are taken seriously, investigated and dealt with swiftly. Rigorous school policies and monitoring support our children to accept responsibility and demonstrate independence of thought and action.
Mutual respect is at the heart of the ethos at Bantock Primary School. Pupils learn that their behaviour has an effect on their own rights and those of others. At Bantock we celebrate languages (Language of the Month), and raise awareness (Black History Month, Remembrance Day, Peace One Day, UNICEF Day of Change) of key global events and celebrations, that extends their knowledge so differences in wider life and societies are respected. Hero+ Ambassadors support children in dealing with any problems that may arrive and encourage a friendly and coherent school environment.
Our Religious Education and PSHE curriculum enhances pupil’s knowledge and understanding about other faiths and cultures. Pupils have the opportunities to learn about communities that make up Britain and their place in a culturally diverse society.
We provide opportunities for pupils to visit places of significant cultural interest, places of worship, assemblies celebrating diversity through festivals and traditions (Diwali, Chinese New Year, Christmas, Eid) and encourage visitors from a range of communities and organisations. We actively celebrate and encourage the sharing of diversity and want our children to value similarities and differences.
Pupils are encouraged and regularly support charities by planning fundraising activities that raise awareness, for instance the Nepal Earthquake, Compton Hospice, UNICEF Day of Change and Children in Need.