Design & Technology
SHINE in Design and Technology
We will encourage pupils to utilise the essential skills of DT and develop these aspects to a high standard, constantly striving towards creating a cohesive community. Pupils at Bantock will be set challenging but achievable goals so they are motivated to succeed in their DT learning.
We will provide a motivating learning environment to ensure we promote a culture of understanding, challenge and enjoyment in all areas of DT. Through the exploration and experimentation of a range of tools and equipment, we aim to foster purpose, pleasure and satisfaction in designing, constructing and evaluating products.
We will provide a variety of real-life learning experiences in order to motivate and inspire pupils and enhance their cultural capital. We will teach pupils the fundamental principles of Design and Technology where they will have opportunities to exercise creativity and rigorously evaluate their product, in order to prepare for later life.
We will celebrate and support diversity in order to foster independent learning and application, across the D&T curriculum. Pupils will collaborate effectively and build positive relationships with their peers and staff members. The School will listen to pupil voice and act on what the pupils value and need, in order to enhance their D&T learning.
We will encourage pupils to become independent and confident learners who are encouraged to thrive. Their achievements will be monitored in order to provide appropriate next steps, enabling them to reach their full potential. Pupils at Bantock, will be given opportunities to use a wide range of materials and resources, including ICT. A wide range of high quality resources will support the delivery of the curriculum outcomes, including ICT.


Curriculum Overview

Progression in Skills