
At Bantock Primary School, at the heart of teaching and learning is assessment. It is vital in assessing the progress and attainment that students are making in all subjects, discussion of that progress and attainment with pupils and the reporting of this to parents.

What has changed for Assessment?

For many years, until 2014 National Curriculum levels have been used by all primary schools to assess and report on individual children’s attainment and progress. 
We now assess pupils in Key Stage 1 and 2 against Age Related Expectations using learning profiles which identify pupil starting points, what pupils know and what pupils exceed at in order to inform the next steps of learning.

What is Bantock Primary School’s Rationale?
At Bantock Primary School we endeavour to support all pupils in making better than expected progress, achieving age related expectations and raising confidence and self-esteem. (Teaching standards 1b, 5c) We see assessment as an integral part to this.
To teach and assess the essential knowledge, skills and understanding across the curriculum, facilitate independent learning and self-reflection and develop this to a high standard for ALL pupils.
To develop resilience and independence so pupils are motivated and learning is enriched.
To provide a pathway for progress by setting higher expectations for learners and provokes a desire to achieve.
To ensure assessment is inclusive for all abilities from their unique starting points.
To prepare pupils for the next stage in their education using a range of planning and assessment tools.

Why do we assess, record and report at Bantock Primary School?

  • To ensure  all pupils an opportunity to be involved in showing what they know, understand, and what they need to develop, in a safe and stimulating learning environment 
  • To internally track pupils for attainment and progress 
  • To ensure teacher planning is amended in order that teaching and learning meet the needs of all children 
  • To have a consistent approach that measures school progress and attainment against national standards
  • To ensure assessment is moderated which ensures that the outcomes of assessment are shared accurately and appropriately.
  • To ensure assessment is age appropriate for children to allow pupils, teachers and parents to plan future learning.
  • To support the setting of personal and school targets that are based on the highest expectations in line with Age Related Expectations 
  • To recognises that the curriculum, which includes pupils’ personal, social and emotional development, is as important for progress
  • To encourage children to take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own work and study 
  • To involve different professionals, parents and other agencies as appropriate, recognising the contribution all make to the process 

Who is involved with assessment at Bantock Primary School?
Children – to ensure that children know what they do well and what their next steps for learning are.
Teachers – to inform planning and ensure progress is made.
Parents/Carers – to ensure there is an understanding of their children’s learning and how to help them achieve their next steps.
School Leaders/Governors – to ensure strategic decisions are made about how progress can best be made.
External Departments – to ensure accountability for progress and attainment.
How do Bantock Primary School Assess?
There are three main forms of assessment: in-school formative assessment, which is used by teachers to evaluate pupils’ knowledge and understanding on a day-to-day basis and to tailor teaching accordingly; in-school summative assessment, which enables schools to evaluate how much a pupil has learned at the end of a teaching period; and nationally standardised summative assessment.

In – School Formative Assessment
Teachers evaluate using a range of strategies to identify strengths and gaps in pupils’ knowledge and understanding of programmes of study on a day-to-day basis and to tailor teaching accordingly.
‘Good formative assessment ranges from the probing question put to a pupil as they think something through; quick recap questions at the opening of a lesson; scrutiny of the natural work of pupils; right through to formal tests.’
Commission Report – pg5

  • Planning
  • Quality First Teaching
  • Marking and Feedback
  • Self and Peer-Assessment

In – School Summative Assessment
Evaluates and informs improvements on how well pupils have learned and understood of learning over a period of time.

Teacher Assessment

  • Core Subject and Foundation Subject Assessment as Stages of Progress within Learning Profiles –
    • Entering,
    • Developing,
    • Secure
  • Standardisation and Moderation ensure accuracy and consistency.
  • Practice tests

Standardised Summative Assessment
The following assessments will take place in line with the relevant assessment and reporting arrangements.

  • Early Years Foundation Stage Profile – all children in Reception will partake in the Statutory Reception Baseline assessment as well as having on-going teacher assessment throughout the year.
  • Year 1 and Year 2 Phonics screening checks (annually in May)
  • End of Key Stage 1 SATs to include Year 2 GPS, Reading and Maths tests and on-going writing assessment- all pupils at the end of KS1 in Year 2. The assessment period for testing is May.
  • End of Key Stage 2 SATs – all pupils at the end of KS2 in Year 6 are assessed in Reading, Writing, Maths and GPS. The assessment period is one week in May.

Assessment at  Early Years Foundation Stage
Staff will carry out a baseline check on all children entering Nursery and Reception in all seven areas of development. Children will receive an assessment in Phonics and Mathematics on entry to Bantock Primary school in order for them to be planned for accordingly. Child initiated observations as well as ‘Look Listen and Note’ observations help create a picture of what a child can initially do. Children are observed working independently and together both indoors and outdoors. Children are assessed in Adult Focused activities against a WALT, where they are encouraged to follow the steps of the WILF to achieve success. These outcomes are recorded in Learning journeys, as well as English, Maths and Topic books. This informs staff of the development stage of each child and will set a baseline for where children progress to throughout their lifelong learning journey. Judgements are made in line with the criteria outlined in Development Matters and evidence is compiled using 2BuildaProfile.

Initial Language Assessment
For pupils who have entered an English school within the last 2 academic years and arrived from overseas from a country where English is not an official language, Bantock Primary School ensure that within 2 weeks of starting an assessment is undertaken in order to ascertain verbal and non-verbal abilities to understand their needs and ensure progression.

How does marking and feedback at Bantock show learning and progress?
The full WALT will be highlighted by the person focus marking (adult or child). It will be highlighted in pink if the child has achieved the Learning Intention, or in green if they require more practice/support.
In subjects regarding writing, examples of the tickled pink comments will be highlighted in each child’s work.
Children’s immediate next steps to ensure immediate progress, through consolidation and extension, will be identified from the WILF and highlighted green (where possible). They will then be responded to by children using the purple polishing pen of progress.

How does Bantock share Assessment with parents?
Family Consultations (Parents Evening)
We aim to involve parents and carers in their children’s learning and they are invited to attend evenings each term to discuss learning and next steps.

Reports to Parents
Parents are provided with an achievement report in the first 2 terms to provide next steps, as well as a full end of year report detailing attainment and progress in all areas of the curriculum.

Letters to Parents
Teachers empower pupils by facilitating reflection upon their learning journey through writing a letter to their parents/carers outlining their achievements as well as the next steps in their learning to empower parents to support their child.

Link: Standards and Testing Agency
Information for parents about the curriculum tests at the end of key stage 1 and 2.

School Performance: View our current school performance here.